Specialized dentists for children who have appropriate psychological approaches for each child.
For individuals with abnormal biting patterns, overlapping teeth, or gaps between teeth, specialized dentists provide orthodontic treatment.
A new option for replacing missing teeth that is convenient, non-removable, and does not require sacrificing other adjacent teeth. Specialized dentists offer dental implant procedures.
Specialized dentists focus on tooth restoration and dental aesthetics to enhance the appearance of teeth.
Specialized dentists who treat gum inflammation, periodontitis, and perform periodontal surgeries, such as gum cutting or grafting.
Endodontic treatment is performed by specialized dentists for individuals experiencing pain, swelling, or inflammation caused by infections in the tooth root. The aim is to preserve the tooth.
‘Never changing safeness’ dental care with LDC The Next Normal standard, equipped with pure air circulation equivalent to an operating room in every dental room. All instruments go through sterilization and spore testing; you can trust our ‘Smile Warranty’ after the treatment.
We have a network of more than 400 specialist dentists, the majority of whom are from over 11 different fields of dentistry, such as orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and oral surgery, among others.
We have over 15 branches in Bangkok and its suburbs, as well as 8 branches covering each provincial capital in every region of Thailand.
According to treatment plan
Smile 1 Treatment completed on time.
Smile 2 Solves problems on the spot, mutual understanding on the treatment.
Smile 3 Treatment fee does not escalate, pay as agreed.
Smile 4 Taking care.
3-10 years
Guarantee dental implant in case of falling off, rocking or broken for a period of 10 years.
Guarantee crowns or bridges on implants in case of falling off, chipped, cracked for a period of 3 years.
3 years
Warranty for Veneer in case of chipping or cracking for 3 years period.
Restorative Dentistry
6 months - 1 year
Filling with Tooth-colored material (Composite Resin) / Filling with Amalgam / Inlay / Onlay Teeth Restoration.
Guarantee filling in case of chipped or cracked – repair or fill with same original material without charge.
Teeth Scaling
7 days
Smile Warranty Warranty Teeth Scaling.
In the case of customers feeling unclean after scaling, they can ask for a new free-of-charge scaling. However, the terms of the scaling warranty are as specified by LDC.
Dental Crown / Bridge
3 years
Warranty within 3 years from the date of permanent mounting: replacing crowns, bridges or repairing porcelain veneers with the same material free of charge.
Removable Dentures
1-2 years
Guarantee repair free of charge, not covering in case of broken, falling out or missing dentures.
Killing surface germs in the examination room using UV-C (Ultraviolet C) radiation
Dental assistant has undergone training from an institute of dentistry
Reduce contact with automatic convenience facilities
The service recipients need to undergo blood pressure measurement and temperature measurement before receiving treatment
Care Light signal button
Instruments are rendered free from microorganisms through sterilization methods and have passed the Spore Test
Staff members wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
Pure air circulation system
Dentists, dental assistants, and all staff members have received both doses of the vaccine
Antimicrobial foot wiping mat