1992 Founded a Small Clinic in the name of ‘Ladprao Dental Clinic’
2000 Developed into a Dental Center called ‘Ladprao Dental Center’ and registered as a limited company
2006 Shift towards International Standards with the name ‘LDC Dental Center’
2008 Accredited with HA (Hospital Accreditation) standards as the first Dental Center in Thailand
2014 Transformed into a Public Limited company listed on the MAI Stock Exchange
We will be a leader in providing oral health services
Attentive, Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Goodwill
Peter PETER Preventive Dentistry
P reventive Mind
E mergency Management
T ime Oriented
E motional Quotient
R eputation
List of the Directors consists of 7 people as follows
List of the Audit Committee of 3 people as follows
List of the Executive Committee of 4 people as follows
List of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of 3 people as follows
List of Risk Management Committee consists of 4 people as follows
Note: The meeting committee resolved to approve the appointment of the Risk Management Committee for the efficiency of risk management system and to encourage the company to have operations that concretely increase value for the organization