About us

will continue to develop at full capacity to reward our customers who have always entrusted us

LDC Dental will continue to develop at full capacity to reward our customers who have always entrusted us


We will be a leader in providing oral health services


  1. Provide leading dental services from clinics of various sizes.
  2. Focus on recruiting dentists with special expertise.
  3. Selecting quality and modern materials and tools.
  4. Train dental assistants and personnel to have professional skills.
  5. Adhere to manage business systematically to match international standards with anti-corruption in all forms.
  6. Create a network to cover both ASEAN countries and regions.

(Handle with care and dedication)

Attentive, Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Goodwill

(Handle professionally)

Peter PETER Preventive Dentistry

P reventive Mind
E mergency Management
T ime Oriented
E motional Quotient
R eputation

(Never Stop Developing)

Board of Directors

List of the Directors consists of 7 people as follows

Audit Committee

List of the Audit Committee of 3 people as follows

Executive Committee

List of the Executive Committee of 4 people as follows

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

List of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of 3 people as follows

Risk Management Committee

List of Risk Management Committee consists of 4 people as follows

Note: The meeting committee resolved to approve the appointment of the Risk Management Committee for the efficiency of risk management system and to encourage the company to have operations that concretely increase value for the organization

Specialist Dentists
Branches Across Thailand

Organizational Chart of LDC Public Company Limited

Contact us for treatment information or directions