For individuals with abnormal biting patterns, overlapping teeth, or gaps between teeth, specialist dentists provide orthodontic treatment.
Implants Service
Implants Service
A new option for replacing missing teeth that is convenient, non-removable, and does not require sacrificing other adjacent teeth. Specialist dentists offer dental implant procedures.
Cosmetic Dentistry Service
Cosmetic Dentistry Service
Specialist dentists focus on tooth restoration and dental aesthetics to enhance the appearance of teeth.
Pedodontist Service
Specialist dentists for children who have appropriate psychological approaches for each child.
Prosthodontics (Dentures)
Specialist dentists who specialize in dental prosthesis, including removable and fixed dentures, and proper care for dentures.
Endodontics Service
Endodontic treatment is performed by specialist dentists for individuals experiencing pain, swelling, or inflammation caused by infections in the tooth root. The aim is to preserve the tooth.
Oral Surgery
Specialist dentists who perform surgical procedures in the oral cavity, such as wisdom tooth extraction.
Specialist dentists who treat gum inflammation, periodontitis, and perform periodontal surgeries, such as gum cutting or grafting.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) Dentistry
Specialist dentists who focus on treating temporomandibular joint disorders, including joint pain and unknown causes of teeth grinding or clenching during sleep.
Restoratives Service
Protective services and early-stage treatment.
Preventive Dentistry
Preventive dentistry is an essential part of early-stage oral health care that has become increasingly complex.
With dental X-ray machines, we are able to perform comprehensive examinations, diagnoses, and precise treatment planning for both teeth and cranial structures. These X-rays allow us to assess the development of dental and skeletal structures accurately. We can evaluate impacted teeth, monitor the eruption of permanent teeth, and utilize them in orthodontic treatment planning.
Contact us for treatment information or directions